35 Kata Kata Bijak Bulan Oktober Berbahasa Inggris

Hallo Shobatasmo – Kumpulan Kata Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober yang akan datang sebentar lagi atau sekarang sudah bulan Oktober banyak dari kita orang-orang yang aktif di Media Sosial biasanya suka ingin membuat status yang memotivasi atau bijak untuk di share ke Media Sosial masing-masing.

Media Sosial yang biasanya dipakai untuk menulis kata bijak motivasi bulan oktober adalah media sosial seperti Facebook, Instagram, dan WhatsApp. Dan nanti biasanya teman teman anda akan berkomentar jika dirasa status yang kamu buat iti bagus dan tentu itu hal yang membuat kita senang.

Kata Bijak Bulan Oktober Berbahasa Inggris
Kata Bijak Bulan Oktober Berbahasa Inggris

Untuk di awal Bulan Oktober ini Saya akan memberikan kata kata Mutiara Motivasi dan kata kata Bijak untuk memulai semangat di bulan Oktober ini yang pastinya akan lebih baik lagi dari bulan sebelumnnya.

Kata Mutiara dan Bijak Bulan Oktober

Nah dibawah ini adalah beberapa kata bijak motivasi kata mutiara di Bulan Oktober yang indah ini. Dan saya ucapkan selamat tinggal bulan yang lama dan selamat datang Bulan Oktober.

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Life is beautiful and full of meaning. Don’t waste it so you don’t regret it later. Let’s start this new month with enthusiasm and honesty and discipline. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Success will not betray the business. Maximum hard work, effort, and prayer will not betray the results.

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Failure is not painful if you have tried your best. Failure will be painful if deep down you realize that you can actually try more than you have already done. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – The main element that you must have in getting what you want is to convince yourself that you deserve to get it. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – If you are worried about everything that you want but don’t have, think about things that you don’t want and don’t have. All of that has its positives. Including “do not have”. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – There is no other way. To make things better we must also change for the better. Today will still be like yesterday if not doing anything. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Among the many things we can give to people but we still have them is our sincerity and friendliness. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Anyone can finish our school and get a diploma to a doctor even. But education for us actually will never be finished. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Even great things can be achieved even with slow movements. But nothing can be achieved if we just keep quiet. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – We all have the same amount of time even though our abilities are not the same. But people who use their time better often outperform those who have more ability.

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – When I tend to procrastinate I ask myself “what exactly am I avoiding?” And then try to deal with those things that might come.

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – You cannot make people feel important in front of you if you secretly assume that they are nobody. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – The best way to get a “yes” answer is to put others in a “yes” mood. You do this by creating a positive and steady atmosphere. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – No one knows whether tomorrow we are still alive. Now is the only time we have. Enjoy! – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – One of the rewards you can give to others is just to listen when he speaks. Because it will raise his pride.

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – People will not think about how fast you finish the job but people will judge how well you have done it. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Look at the turtle. The only chance that can make a tortoise step forward is when he dares to stick his head out. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Real time never existed. That is an abstract concept in our mind. Now is the only time we have. Do something meaningful in the present moment. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Blaming others will not produce a solution. If something has already been done what else can I do? Continuing to complain about it won’t change anything. Blaming the weather or someone else won’t help anyone. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Blaming and continuing to feel guilty is equally destructive. When we blame someone else’s God or ourselves, we run away from the real issue, which is to do something. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – If we allow bad experiences or bad words to fill our thoughts and feelings, we ourselves will suffer the consequences. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Problems will not destroy if we handle them calmly and one by one. The sooner we know the wisdom gained from the problem, the easier it will be for us to deal with it. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – The art of happiness includes the ability to be able to laugh at mat-hard times. Immediately after the difficulty arises

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Various collections of a series of wise words beginning in October that are dangling beautifully. There are still many collections of pearl sentences from Lara, enhancing motivation, enthusiasm and full of wisdom.

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – We are reasonable people if we can still make mistakes. If you want to be completely perfect then you are not a resident of this planet. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Children are good recipients. He will always accept you. Rich black or white. It doesn’t even matter if you take a shower or not. Sometimes we need to be like children who can accept others with sincerity.

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – While people keep working because they like challenges. Much greater than his love of money. That is why he became rich. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Life is not boring. There are only people who create boredom who see their lives through dirty, opaque and murky glasses. It is a mystery that some people direct themselves to see beauty while others do the opposite. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Thank God, thank you. You have given the best for me today and this year. Have you ever prayed this way other than just begging? – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Those who get to the top are those who do their work with all the energy of enthusiasm and hard work. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways will lead you to an extraordinary future. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – To really win, one must first have the belief that he will win. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Meet someone for the first time with a smile and he will feel like he has known you for decades. – Wise Words of Birth Month

Kata Bijak Mutiara Bulan Oktober – Smile even though the tests and challenges come and go to you. They do not weaken you, but forge you to become stronger and more powerful. Then you will be successful and happy when the time comes. Never give up, let alone despair!

Nah itu dia kata mutiara dan bijak tentang bulan oktober saya ucapkan selamat datang bulan oktober semoga di bulan ini kita dapat dimudahkan dalam hal apapun dan diberikan perlindungan dan rezeki yang senantiasa membanjiri kita amin. Dan tentunya harus lebih baik lagi dari bulan sebelumnya danam melakukan hal apapun.

Semoga kamu dapat memilih kata mutiara dan bijak bulan oktober yang tepat ya dan dibagikan ke media sosial kalian masing-masing seperti facebook dan instagram. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung jangan lupa share artikel ini biar orang lain pada artikel yang satu ini selamat bulan oktober ya.